ICSLS 2018
International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes 2018
June 17 - 22, 2018


The ICSLS bi-annual conference series started in Paris, France in 1973, and it is held at alternating European and North-American conference venues. The most recent venues were Paris, France (2004), Auburn USA (2006), Valladolid, Spain (2008), St. John’s, Canada (2010), St. Petersburg, Russia (2012), Tullahoma, Tennessee, USA (2014) and Torun, Poland (2016). The 2018 (24th) ICSLS conference will take place at Dublin City University.
The conference covers a broad range of topics related to spectral line shape studies, including: line shapes of atomic and molecular transitions in neutral gaseous mixtures, single and multi-photoionisation ionisation processes, high and low temperature plasmas, clusters and helium droplets, nanophotonic processes, spectroscopy of stellar atmospheres and interstellar media, spectroscopy of planetary atmospheres and exoplanets, cold atoms and molecules, collision-induced spectra, processes in laser fields, innovative techniques of line shape applications for diagnostic purposes and fundamental studies with narrow optical resonances along with applications in e.g., industrial, environmental, medical and all other potential domains of interest. The conference will include a mix of invited lectures, contributed talks and poster presentations
The conference email address is ICSLS2018@dcu.ie and you can find us on Twitter with @ICSLS2018DCU
NEW. Download the Programme and Book of Abstracts Here